Construction workers face numerous safety hazards whenever they are on building sites. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration prescribes strict safety standards, many of them dealing with working at heights and on scaffolding. Sadly, not all employers prioritize employee safety, often with catastrophic consequences. However, two Oklahoma workers have their employer’s compliance with fall protection regulations to thank for saving each of them from suffering a fatal workplace injury.
Reportedly, Oklahoma City firefighters received an emergency call shortly after 6 p.m. on a recent Tuesday. They rushed to the scene to find the two workers suspended in their fall-arrest harnesses. The workers were painting the multi-story hotel building when one end of the scaffold structure collapsed while they were working at the level of the 12th floor. Firefighters gained access to the two workers from inside the hotel by breaking through glass windows.
Fall victims who are left hanging in their harnesses for too long could suffer suspension trauma. Fortunately, in this case, rescue workers were quick to bring the victims to safety. Even though the process of erecting a secure and stable scaffold might have violated safety regulations, the employer provided the necessary personal protective equipment and training to ensure the workers know how to use it.
Other, less fortunate workers in Oklahoma might have to face mounting medical bills and lost income after workplace injury incidents. They might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits to cover those costs. Many injured workers choose to focus on recovery by securing the services of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to navigate the benefits claims process for them.