Know Your Unemployment Law Rights
When you are terminated or laid off through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits through the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. These benefits can be crucial during a time when you are not working and seeking new employment.
The Oklahoma Employment Security Commission and/or your former employer are not always receptive to these unemployment claims. There are many times when the OESC will deny you outright, or your employer will contest the claim, leading to a denial of benefits.
Don’t Wait To Explore Your Benefit Options
If you are denied unemployment benefits, you have strict time frames in which to file an appeal. You are guaranteed the right to a telephonic phone hearing on the merits of your claim, as long as your request for an appeal is filed on time.
You have every right to be represented by counsel on these unemployment phone hearings. The firm of Ray Lahann, Attorney of Tulsa has done hundreds of these contested phone hearings in order to guarantee our clients their weekly unemployment wage.
Contact Us Immediately If You Are Denied Benefits
If you are denied unemployment benefits, we suggest you contact our law firm immediately. Having representation on these phone hearings will significantly increase your odds of being granted unemployment benefits. Instead of being at the mercy of the agency and your former employer, you have every right to be represented with the competent, skilled counsel of Ray Lahann, Attorney of Tulsa.
If you are denied unemployment benefits, call 918-392-7077 or contact us online.