The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) regards hearing loss as a critically important concern. The institute states that hearing loss caused by noise is one of the workplace injuries that is entirely preventable; however, it is not reversible. The onset of hearing loss is gradual and therefore not recognized in the initial stages. The recognition of this severe health and safety issue is crucial, and Oklahoma employers of workers in all industries should take measures to prevent conditions that cause hearing loss in workers.
Workers in any field can be exposed to damaging noise levels; however, there are certain industries that present higher threats of noise-induced loss of hearing. Those industries include construction, mining and manufacturing, along with the military, transportation and agriculture. Many workers in these industries have been known to develop partial or complete hearing loss over time.
There are various measures that can be taken to prevent workers from being exposed to dangerous noise levels. Besides providing employees with ear muffs or ear plugs, engineering controls such as mufflers or acoustic barriers could be installed. Furthermore, worker education and monitoring the hearing of workers should not be neglected, and regular noise assessments should be carried out.
Workers in Oklahoma, who have suffered partial or complete hearing loss as a result of exposure to high noise levels in the workplace, may want to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits to cover ongoing medical expenses. The object of the workers’ compensation insurance fund is to provide financial aid to all victims of workplace injuries. Hearing tests can be subjective, making cases that involve hearing loss extremely complicated; however, a successful hearing loss claim can bring about financial compensation, along with a possibility of [url=’/Practice-Areas/’]lifetime hearing aids.[/url]
Source:, “Work Related Hearing Loss“, , Sept. 2. 2014