What To Do After A Work Injury
If you are injured on the job, you need to take action to protect your rights. Delaying reporting of the injury to your employer or not seeking medical treatment can affect the rights you have under law.
1. Report the accident immediately to your supervisor. If your supervisor does not listen, report the injury to the owner of the company. Many of the problems from on-the-job injuries come from employees not giving notice of an accidental injury to their employer. The best way to give notice is to fill out a written accident report with your employer which is signed and dated. Keep a copy of any written accident report for your own records.
2. Seek medical treatment. When reporting an injury to the employer, you need to request immediate medical treatment. This involves verbally and vocally asking your employer to go to the doctor for any part of your body that is injured. If your employer does not send you for treatment, seek treatment on your own from a family doctor, clinic, or emergency room. Give an accurate history to the medical provider of your on-the-job injury, how you were injured, and what parts of your body were injured.
3. Consult an attorney. Many of your workers’ compensation rights have strict time frames. This is especially true with cumulative injuries that occur over a period of months or years. If your injury involves a termination or resignation of employment, you should file your claim with the workers’ compensation court immediately.
An experienced attorney can also advise you of your rights under workers’ compensation, short-term disability, long-term disability, employment and termination claims, Social Security Disability eligibility, and possible combination of injury claims. Call Ray Lahann, Attorney of Tulsa at 918-392-7077 or use our online firm to reach out.